Kiran made a speech at Junior Chamber International Kobe monthly meeting as one of successive president. 2018年2月26日、神戸青年会議所の2月例会がANAクラウンプラザホテル神戸で開催され、キランは歴代理事長(第45代)として講演をしました。国際交流委員会での経験や学んだこと、JCでの充実した活動や魅力について話しました。
神戸青年会議所ホームページでの記事はこちら» http://www.kobejc.or.jp/20180226/
Junior Chamber International Kobe held their monthly meeting at ANA Crowne Plaza Hotel Kobe on February 26th 2018. Kiran was invited and asked to speak as one of successive president (the 45th). He shared his experience and learning as a member of international exchange committee and spoke about fulfilling activity at that time.
Junior Chamber International Kobe Website (Japanese only) » http://www.kobejc.or.jp/20180226/