ACCJ関西支部 講演会「イギリスEU離脱の影響」ACCJ Kansai Speaker Event: The Impact of Brexit: What You Need to Know
写真右:クリストファー・ハント氏(ハーバート・スミス・フリーヒルズ外国法事務弁護士事務所 パートナー)
写真左:ジェリー・メステッキー氏(北浜法律事務所 パートナー)
Attorneys from the international law firms of Kitahama Partners and Herbert Smith Freehills
discussed various aspects of the Brexit and how it could impact your business.
Kiran Sethi, ex-officio-Kansai (center), presented certificates of appreciation to the speakers,
Christopher Hunt, partner and registered foreign attorney at Herbert Smith Freehills (right), and Jiri Mestecky, partner and registered foreign attorney at Kitahama Partners.